June’s Theme: A Further Focus on Fat

So, as usual, another month has zoomed by! I can't believe that May is over and we are into June, and supposedly summer, but the Scottish weather is just keeping us on our toes!!

It's been a busy month. We had our wonderful retreat day at Ardmay House facilitated by Andrew of Performance Breathworks, who is our very own Wellness Hub nutritionist Margaret Ritchie's son! Breathwork, qi gong, forest bathing, delicious food, a dip in the loch and a heat up in the saunas! It was bliss! Day retreats are something we will be doing regularly as a great way to chill out and meet other Hub members, so watch this space for further dates! 

I also had a wonderful weekend with 3 other Wellness Hubbers, in the company of Vicky @thelittleforagerskitchen and Jen @iamjenwilson, making new friends and eating the most delicious wild food prepared by Vicky at Lagafer Lodge in Dumfries and Galloway! We were blessed with the most wonderful weather and although the midgies were out, we were protected from bites by the most amazing midge-repellant bangles, kindly supplied by our very own Sheena Lumsden. These were a game changer, those of us who were wearing them had no bites at all but those without the bangles were covered! They’re from a family-run company called Pestects and they really work, I would highly recommend them.

Our focus for May was on understanding fat, and we are continuing with this for June because I still have so much valuable information I’d like to share. As we move into Summer, we all want to feel our best and while I would never promote silly fad diets to fit into a bikini, it is a good time to focus on the foods and drinks that taste great, provide plenty of nutrients and as a bonus, naturally help burn fat.

Check out my Research posts and be sure to join in with our Extra Virgin Olive Oil experiment over on the FB group! One of the best EVOO for burning fat is this organic, early harvest, cold-pressed oil made exclusively from Greek Koroneiki olives, with proven high levels of polyphenols that literally burn away stubborn fat! Simply taking a couple of spoonfuls in the morning offers many health benefits, in addition to burning fat; reducing inflammation, supporting gut health, boosting brain health, and supporting joints, skin, hair and nails are all in its repertoire. This is a supplement well worth taking, in my opinion and it tastes really good too, I’ve been enjoying it drizzled on my salads and sourdough bread.

We will also be revisiting Intermittent Fasting and enjoying more salads this month while, of course continuing to forage and eat wild foods, which are abundant at the moment. 

And to get your feet in tip-top condition for your summer sandals, the lovely Jen is running a 90 minute online foot workshop on 5th June at 5.30pm, here is the link to book tickets. Our feet are often sadly neglected considering they support us all day and keep us grounded so they deserve a bit of pampering and TLC! 

I am heading off to Scotland Grows Gardening Event at Scone Palace in Perth tomorrow, so no doubt will return with armfuls of plants. I love this time of year so much, I feel extra grateful every day for my health and this beautiful planet we live on.

Have a great month everyone!

In good health,

Janice x

One last thing: there’s free shipping all weekend on our t-shirt shop, so if you don’t have one yet, now is a great time to snag one just in time for sunny days!


July’s Theme: It’s Juicy July!


May’s Theme: Fat, Friend or Foe?